Thursday 14 February 2013

The mole catcher

This weekend I met a mole catcher. A cheery straight forward chap. He worked away in the meadow in the pouring rain for about an hour. He checked traps, set new ones and spread the earth around from the molehills so next time he came he could see any new mole action. 

He gave me a couple of dead moles I'm aiming to get at the skeletons (I buried them rather than boil them for days - I'm not up to that). He said they rot down pretty fast.

I'd never held a mole before. Their feet are utterly astonishing. Essentially they seem to be soft, hairy bodies, a pink nose and huge front feet, that's about it. The mole catcher told me that their fur can brush both ways so they can go back or forward easily through tunnels. They have incredibly sensitive noses and you need to stay WELL CLEAR of their teeth.

I am now a big mole fan

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